Country Report II:
這第二場會議可以說是一個“Asia forum”,也就是說講者都是亞洲國家代
「亞洲論壇」﹝Asia forum﹞
Jark Pui Lee (Legal Aid Services Council, Hong Kong):
李澤培 ﹝法律援助服務局主席,香港﹞
The mediation scheme[1] started in March. It is a trial invented as an experiment to test the responses. It is confined mainly to matrimonial cases (婚姻事件), as more than 30 percent of the legal aid cases are related to matrimonial issues. If these issues could be settled out of court without reference to the Legal Aid Department’s litigation machinery, then the cost saving would be obvious. It is also proposed by people who support mediation that maybe the conclusion or settlement by mediation can be more long-lasting than a court settlement. This is the review of the proponents.
「法援婚姻訴訟個案家事調解試驗計畫[2] 」三月已經正式上路。這是一項作為實驗的創設,用來測試成效迴響。本試驗計畫最主要是針對婚姻事件,因為超過百分之三十的法律援助[3] 案件均與婚姻訴訟有關。如果這些案件能於法庭外獲得終局和解,而不需動用法律援助署的訴訟機制,則成本之撙節將大為可觀。支持調解機制者亦倡議,也許經由調解機制所得之終局結果或和解方案,比訴諸法院解決更具持久性。以下是支持者論點的回顧:
Under the scheme, a native person can apply for legal aid as usual to the Legal Aid Department, and he/she will be advised that he can choose matrimonial mediation or proceed with the normal litigation channel. If he/she chooses mediation, and if the other side to the dispute also agrees to mediation, then the matter would be referred to the Mediation Coordinator’s office in the Judiciary to assess whether the case is suitable for mediation. If it is considered to be appropriate, an accredited mediator would be provided to deal with the matter. The pilot scheme will last for one year, and is estimated to cover 120 cases. An evaluation will probably take place by 2007. By that time, we will be able to know whether or not people would welcome mediation as a means of resolving matrimonial disputes.
在此制度下,本特別行政區居民﹝native person﹞可如常申請法律援助署的法律援助,且申請者將被告知其得選擇婚姻訴訟個案家事調解機制,或以通常訴訟程序進行。如其願意試行調解機制,且婚姻事件爭端對造亦同意進行調解,則全案會轉介至司法機構的調解統籌主任辦事處﹝the Mediation Coordinator’s office in the Judiciary, MCO﹞,以評估是否適合進行調解。倘若司法機構的調解統籌主任辦事處認定某個案適合進行調解,將有一名行政當局認可的調解員開始處理此案。法援婚姻訴訟個案家事調解試驗計畫為期一年,涉及約一百二十個案例。行政當局的評估工作可能於二○○七年開始。屆時,我們將能知道香港特區居民是否歡迎調解制度作為婚姻事件爭端解決的方式。
As far as I know, there have not been too many applicants for mediation since the inception of the pilot scheme. Maybe it is not too widely known. Or maybe, as it has been suggested by some that when it comes to matters relating to emotions, that is when it involves children, there is no point to mediate. Some even suggest that people would normally talk to each other but when they come to the Legal Aid Department, they don’t want to talk any further. So there are diverse views on this issue.
Tetsuji Morita (Japan Legal Aid Association, Japan):
森田哲治[4] ﹝法律扶助協會代表,日本﹞
The question about legal aid’s independence from the government is the most difficult question to answer for me now, because the legal aid system in Japan is in a period of reform. Originally legal aid depended on the Bar Association, as lawyers are very afraid that the government might interfere with the independence of the Bar or the activity of the lawyers. When the government gives money to an organization, it always wants to keep the organisation under control, for example through personnel or some kind of law or legal restrictions. This is very troublesome for lawyers, as we need liberty from the government, and it is one of the most important points for lawyers. The Japan Legal Aid Association has been very neutral from the government. But now that we have established the new law, as far as I understand, the organization is partly transferred to the government. So the question is very delicate, even for me, now in the middle of a period of changes. I’m sure that all lawyers in Japan are struggling with this issue and are trying to keep the independence from the government. But at this point I cannot explain further than this.
Dunstan Mlambo (Legal Aid Board, South Africa):
鄧斯坦‧馬蘭波[5] ﹝最高法院黑人法官、法律扶助委員會董事長,南非﹞
I have two questions for our Hong Kong based colleagues. The first one relates to the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme, which is said to be self-financing. I would like know how you raise the funds, and whether it is a sustainable system.
I’m intrigued by the fact that the legal aid scheme in Hong Kong is largely government funded but run by the profession. My second question is whether the fact that 70 percent of the work is assigned to private practitioners while 30 percent of the work is done by salaried lawyers, has ever created tension between members of the profession and people who run the scheme?
Jark Pui Lee (Legal Aid Services Council, Hong Kong):
李澤培 ﹝法律援助服務局主席,香港﹞
On the Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme[6]: the Scheme was introduced in 1984, and we started with a loan of about 128,000 US dollars from the lottery fund. The Scheme is for applicants from the middle or average class. The way it operates is that if the legal aid case is won, the plaintiff has to share damages awarded with the Scheme. As time goes by, the fund accumulated, and by now we have about 17 million Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to nearly 2 million US dollars. I think the first reason why the Scheme has been successful is the prudent way that the Legal Aid Department has been managing the Scheme. It tries to make sure that the cases it handles have a high probability of success. Thus the assessment of the merits of the case has become very stringent, I would think. Secondly, the Department also looks at whether it could get the damages back even if it wins the cases. As a result, the cases it handled very often tended to be situations in which the other party has been insured, and the insurance company pays back the damages. Thirdly, many of the cases relate to personal injuries, and according to experience, it looks as though the courts look at these cases quite seriously so the plaintiff would normally have a good chance of getting compensation. I would think that the reason why it is viable is because, firstly, we have a very rigid assessment of the probability of success; and secondly, you believe that there is a high probability of recovering damages. In a sense, by having these two parameters, the scope of service to the subject, so to speak, has to be narrowed.
On the question of the share of work between staff lawyers in the Legal Aid Department and by the profession: in Hong Kong, any practicing solicitor or barrister may join the legal aid lawyer’s panel, and he will be entitled to perform legal aid work provided by the Legal Aid Department. Administratively, the Department does set certain standards for lawyers, for example, it expects lawyers to have 3 years of experience in the relevant field before he may be considered to be assigned a job. I think that the profession is anxious to take on legal aid cases as a means of broadening the scope of their activities. If I remember right, the general situation is that about 70 percent of the legal aid cases are assigned to lawyers in private practice with in-house staff handling about 30 percent. The respective proportion for civil cases is 66 percent and 34 percent, for criminal cases it is 78 percent and 22 percent. Unlike certain territories where the government seems to be trying to do more, we tend to prefer the private sector to do more. In Hong Kong, we try to be to have a small government, and the government’s interest is to keep the department from growing unnecessarily.
The other thing is of course, since the Legal Aid Services Council was set up in 1996, we think that it is one means of enhancing the independence of legal aid. There are ten members on the Board of the Legal Aid Services Council, including: the Director of Legal Aid who is an ex officio member; five laypersons like me;
two members nominated by the Law Society, Mr. Ho being one; and two members nominated by the Bar Association. These names are put forward to the government, and it would be very unusual if the government should turn down the nominations put forth by these two professional bodies. In a sense, that maintains a degree of independence in the deliberations of the Council.
l 法律援助服務局主席,其須不屬公職人員、大律師或律師;
l 五名如我一般行政長官認為與大律師行業或律師行業無任何關係之社會公正人士;
l 兩名成員由香港律師會﹝the Law Society﹞提名,何君堯先生即是其一;
l 兩名則由香港大律師公會﹝the Bar Association﹞提名。
﹝譯註:李主席於此或有語誤,根據香港《法律援助服務局條例》﹝第四八九章﹞第五﹝一﹞條及法律援助服務局官方網頁 ,社會公正人士應為四名,尚有一名當然成員為法律援助署署長。﹞
Assigning cases to the private sector can also help to keep the Department from being looked as if it is trying to collude with another government department which might be in dispute with a citizen. Since a private lawyer is bound by his/her professional conduct and is fared up by his/her profession body, the Council has suggested, and the Department has agreed, that in certain situations cases have to be assigned to outside lawyers and staff lawyers should not handle it. Examples include cases relating to human rights or the Basic Law (the mini constitution for Hong Kong) where the government, a semi-government or a public agency is the Defendant; or in matters for judicial review. These cases have to be handled by outside lawyers. I think that is one way of keeping the system and the operation of legal aid being independent.
2006年6月24日 星期六
張貼者: Kaijung 於 13:26
標籤: 2005法律扶助國際論壇共同譯作
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