Country Report III
Bruce Lasky (Open Society Institute SE Asia Initiative, Cambodia)::
This question is for Mr. Abdullah from Malaysia. When the Malaysian legal aid system relies on the voluntary spirit of lawyers, how do you expect them to cover the investigation costs so that there is an equity of arms in these pro bono cases?
我的這個問題想請教馬來西亞代表阿不都拉[2]先生。當馬來西亞的法律扶助制度仰仗志願服務律師時,貴國如何期待他們能負擔訴訟之調查成本費用,以在這些為慈善機構與貧窮無資力者提供免費專業服務的﹝pro bono﹞案件中貫徹武器平等原則?
As far as the evidence in police reports is concerned, the costs have to be born by the client themselves. We don’t have any private investigators to do any of those things. Everything else is free.
Chito Gascon (Philippines):
My name is Chito Gascon and I’m a lawyer from the Philippines. With respect to India, could you please elaborate on how private practitioners are actually integrated or encouraged to provide legal aid by the new National Legal Services Authority?
我的名字是砌透‧加斯肯[6]﹝Chito Gascon﹞,我是來自菲律賓的律師。關於印度,能否請您詳細敘明新的「全國法律服務管理局[7]」﹝National Legal Services Authority,簡稱NALSA﹞實際上如何團結並鼓勵個人執業律師們以提供法律扶助?
With respect to Malaysia, you presented a comprehensive overview of the bar council’s legal aid practice, but you also said that the government also has a legal aid system. Could you share with us what the government is doing in terms of legal aid?
關於馬來西亞,您引介了大律師公會﹝bar council﹞[8] 法律扶助實踐的全面性概況,但您也表明政府同時有一套法律扶助制度。能否請您與我們分享就法律扶助的觀點而言,政府目前從事的工作有哪些?
With respect to the Philippines, I sense that there is a major gap in services for civil cases. The Public Attorney’s Office[9] has the mandate, but the reality is, the 1000 or so lawyers that you have are overly burdened with criminal cases. What is being done to deal with the gap in civil cases?
With respect to the alternative legal groups who are doing great work, the reality is there are only 17 such organizations scattered around the country. Is the need being met by some of the other systems? Is there discussion about how ensure that legal aid is really made available to those who need it?
Pracha (India):
曼姆德‧普拉洽[10] ﹝提倡司法覺醒組織執行長,印度﹞
At every level of court, there are legal aid authorities who choose a panel of lawyers for legal aid. Whenever a person approaches the legal aid authority, one of these lawyers is chosen and assigned to that case. He is then paid by the legal aid authority for remuneration. That’s what I meant when I say that private practitioners are allowed.
In fact, only private practitioners are handling cases so that they have the independence of earning their own livelihood. Paying the lawyers is also a very important factor because everyone has to live.
事實上,只有個人執業律師在處理法律扶助案件的同時,亦得自行接受委任處理其他案件[11] ,他們才得以自力營生。全國法律服務管理局提供法律扶助律師優渥的報酬[12],我想這是實際上能夠團結並鼓勵個人執業律師們的重要因素。
Abdullah (Malaysia):
What happens in Malaysia is that there’s actually an overlap in the services of the government legal aid center and the bar council’s legal aid center. The government’s legal aid normally takes on cases involving Sharia Law, which is especially for Muslims. The bar council’s legal aid centers deal with civil law cases.
目前馬來西亞法律扶助的狀況是,政府的法律扶助中心﹝譯註:亦即「法律扶助局」﹝Legal Aid Biro, the Biro﹞﹞與大律師公會的法律扶助中心﹝譯註:亦即「全國法律扶助中心」﹝National Legal Aid Centre, NLAC﹞及十二州之「州法律扶助中心」﹝state Legal Aid Centre, LAC﹞﹞的服務實際上有重疊之處。政府的法律服務一般是接辦有關伊斯蘭教戒律﹝Sharia Law﹞[13] 的案子,伊斯蘭教戒律專門是穆斯林,也就是伊斯蘭教眾,所持守的法律。而大律師公會的法律扶助中心則是處理民事案件。
Guillermo (Philippines):
吉爾妲‧吉樂摩[14] ﹝另類法律研究及發展中心代理執行長,菲律賓﹞
With respect to civil cases, I agree that there is a major gap, since the PAO usually focuses on criminal cases. Theoretically, they can act on civil cases, and that also holds true for the IBP. I don’t know if IBP is doing anything positive about civil cases, since cases such as eviction cases should be acted upon. I think civil cases are mostly dealt with by the IBP and private practitioners, however due to the means test, there are also limitations on the IBP acting on these cases.
關於民事案件,我同意您的觀察,因為法務部公設律師辦公室通常專門接辦刑事案件,民事案件的法律扶助事務確實與刑事案件有重大的落差。理論上來說,法務部公設律師辦公室可以接手民事案件,而菲律賓統合律師公會﹝Integrated Bar of the Philippines,IBP﹞也是如此。我不知道菲律賓統合律師公會是否能積極從事民事案件法律扶助,因為例如受菲律賓最高法院所託的無權占有不動產所有物返還請求權案件﹝eviction cases﹞須優先處理之。﹝譯註:菲律賓最高法院關於此類案件,多委由菲律賓統合律師公會調查、報告並做出建議。詳參:、﹞
我認為民事案件目前大多數是由菲律賓統合律師公會及個人執業律師處理,然而根據「資力」審查標準﹝means test﹞,菲律賓統合律師公會處理此類案件亦有限制。
Acosta (Philippines):
波斯達‧阿蔻斯達[15] ﹝法務部公設律師辦公室主任、公設律師,菲律賓﹞
I want to clarify matters. Public attorneys are authorized to handle not only criminal cases, but also civil cases, labor cases, etc..
We have resident lawyers in every branch of court nationwide. One PAO lawyer can be assigned to at least 2 or 3 branches of court. We handle cases for the tenants, not for the landlord. We handle cases for the employees but not for the employers. Because our mandate is to give free legal assistance to the indigents, we can only serve the poor. We can handle civil cases subject to merit and indigence test. In criminal cases, every case is meritorious because of the constitutional presumption of innocence. With respect to civil cases, as long as the litigant is poor, we can handle the case.
我們在全國各地每一審級分支法院均有派駐律師。每一位法務部公設律師辦公室的公設律師得委派往至少二或三個分支法院。我們為承租人、佃戶發聲,而不是為出租人、地主;我們為員工、受僱人請命,而不是老闆、僱用人。因為我們的職責即是給予貧苦者免費的法律扶助,我們只能服務窮困者。我們可以處理通過「資力」﹝means test﹞與「案情」﹝merit test﹞審查標準的民事案件。至於刑事案件,因為根據憲法所保障的無罪推定原則,每一個案件都有訴訟上之利益、得通過「案情」審查標準。關於民事案件,只要訴訟當事人貧困無資力,我們均可處理該案。
另外,你們1,048人是全職的專職律師嗎? 他們只擔任辯護人,還是亦屬於檢察系統?
Acosta (PAO, Philippines):
We have a budget of about 500 million pesos a year. With the 1,048 lawyers and 852 support staff, we have served 5 million indigent Filipino people in a year. That includes representations for trial or judicial proceedings and as well as services in non-judicial proceedings. We handle about 500,000 judicial cases a year. Some labor cases involve hundreds of employees. We count the data per client, but we also have statistical data per case.
We also appear before the prosecutor’s offices and provide assistance during interrogation and investigations. I understand that in some countries, the accused are not allowed to have counsel during the time of arrest. However, now in the Philippines, thanks to human rights advocates, an accused can exercise his right to counsel.
我們亦現身在檢察官辦公室之前,於訊問及偵查階段提供法律扶助。據我所知,有些國家並不允許被告﹝the accused﹞在收押期間委聘律師。然而,目前在菲律賓,感謝人權運動促進者的努力,被告得行使其權利擁有律師的法律專業協助。
With this workload, you see why most of our lawyers plan to stay in this office for only 3 to 5 years, and then they apply for positions in the judiciary or the national prosecution service, or establish his own law firm. Because in this office, this is a matter of sacrifice. I could work in abig law firm, but I prefer to serve the Filipino people – especially the poor because I was born to a very poor family.
Stephen Lin (Central Queensland Community Legal Centre, Australia):
林立﹝中昆士蘭社區法律中心主任律師[16] ,澳洲﹞
I have heard that many legal aid services have trouble retaining lawyers. I also heard from you that you lost the lives of three of your legal aid lawyers. Are there any strategies to preserve the lives of legal aid lawyers? We are supposed to defend democracy: how can we preserve our own lives?
Acosta (PAO, Philippines):
You’re right. I have also received several death threats because of some sensational cases. Some of you know about the political problems in our country. Still, advocacy prevails over our fear of loss of life.
My two lady lawyers were ambushed in instances related to their work. Fortunately, one male lawyer survived the ambush and is still alive. We did our best to coordinate with the law enforcers to solve the case immediately. I asked my lawyers to inform me right away so that we can provide firearms to our lawyers and take other security measures.
Derwin Anifah (PBHI[17] , Indonesia):
﹝印度尼西亞法律協助及人權委員會 ,印尼﹞
This question is for Madame moderator. Regarding litigation against the government, how would you describe the difficulties?
Acosta (PAO, Philippines):
We are trying to advocate speedy trials because most civil cases drag on for as long as ten to fifteen years. In criminal cases, some judges are trying their best to schedule cases as early or as frequently as possible.
I can say that not only in the Philippines but all over the world, it’s difficult to access justice. That’s why we are here in this forum now. We’re trying to share ideas, visions, and systems that could be adapted in our own countries.
I experienced those difficulties when I was preparing to give a report before the Supreme Court regarding the suspension of executions in my country. You will receive some unsavory remarks from some sectors, you will suffer some suppression from some people in government. So it is very painful when you are fighting to save the life of an individual, and you want everyone to cooperate and to be nice with you. You can’t expect the best from all people, but whenever I attend this type of conference I return to my country in high spirits for the ideal of providing justice to my fellow men.
Regarding the question on whether our lawyers are full time lawyers of the government: Yes, we are full time lawyers. We cannot handle any private cases and we cannot accept any fees for our services, except our salaries from the government.
Bruce Lasky (Cambodia):
Guilda, could you explain the idea of the client-centered lawyer in the Alternative Law Group? I understand you take a holistic rather than top-down approach in involving the clients in a partnership?[18]
吉爾妲,能否請您略為解釋另類法學聯盟所謂的「以受扶助當事人為中心之律師」﹝client-centered lawyer﹞的概念?就我的理解,貴聯盟似乎採取全面性整體的方式將受扶助人納為夥伴關係,而非提供法扶者在上、接受扶助者在下的上對下方式。
Guillermo (Philippines):
Alternative Law Group (ALG) is a network of 17 member organizations. Of these 17 organizations, most are concentrated in metro Manila, each with their own expertise. So, we handle women’s and children’s issues, labor, fisher folk, people living with HIV/AIDS, and other people in marginalized sectors.
「另類法學聯盟」﹝Alternative Law Groups, ALG﹞目前是擁有十七個成員組織的聯繫網絡。在這十七個組織中,大部分集中在大馬尼拉特區,每個組織均有其自身的分支機構。因此,我們處理女性及兒童議題、勞工議題、漁民議題、人類免疫缺乏病毒﹝HIV﹞或後天免疫缺乏症候群﹝AIDS﹞患者議題、及其他邊緣族群或社群者議題等等。
We consider our clients to be our partners. Thus, as partners, we discuss with them their legal problems and inform them of the options available, whether it be ligitation or some other non-legal strategy. Then, it is the client and not the lawyer who decides what strategy to use. If the client chooses litigation, we also see how the case could have an impact on society.
Again, as partners, we empower our clients to know the law. We also train them as paralegals since there are very few lawyers in the far flung[19] areas of the country. So, we train these paralegals to give immediate legal assistance when it is needed in their respective areas.
同樣的,身為受扶助夥伴,我們為受扶助人平權、增強其能對抗社會歧視及壓迫的力量, 使其知曉法律。我們也訓練受扶助夥伴們成為律師助理﹝paralegals﹞,因為在我國如此荒遠前線的領域裡,太少律師投身奉獻其中。所以,我們訓練這些律師助理在其個別的領域裡,需要時能提供最即時的法律協助服務。
Anifah (Indonesia):
In India, is ethnic violence similar to religious violence? How is legal aid provided with impartiality?
Pracha (India):
曼姆德‧普拉洽 ﹝提倡司法覺醒組織執行長,印度﹞
In India, violence happens not only along religious lines but also along caste lines. That question of neutrality can be asked of any lawyer. The legal aid authority is an absolutely autonomous body that is only partly funded by the government. It is allowed to raise its own funds and it can accept donations. Lawyers are independent lawyers and are not under any pressures. Clients are free to choose from the panel of lawyers. If they are not satisfied with a lawyer’s quality of work, that can also change lawyers. In all, this maintains the neutrality and quality of legal aid work.
在印度,暴力衝突不只發生在不同宗教之間,尚發生於種姓階級﹝caste﹞[20] ﹝譯註:印度世襲的種姓制度分婆羅門﹝Brahman﹞、刹帝利﹝Kshatriya﹞,吠舍﹝Vaisya﹞、首陀羅﹝Sudra﹞四等﹞之間。您關於公正中立的問題亦是任何律師所要求的。法律扶助主管機關─全國法律服務管理局,是一個完全絕對自治的團體,只接受政府部分的資金支持。其有權籌募自身的營運基金,且可接受各界捐款贊助。律師們均為獨立自主之律師,且未受任何壓力關切。受扶助人從法律扶助律師名冊中得自由選擇委任律師。如果他們不滿意該律師工作品質表現,也可以更換法律扶助律師。總此而論,這均維持了法律扶助事業的中立性與高品質。
鄭文龍 (台灣):
Acosta (PAO, Philippines):
Everyday, not only Monday through Friday, there are long lines of clients asking for legal advice from our lawyers. While the lawyers are in trials or legal hearings, we have legal assistants and support staff who attend to clients’ needs or give advice.
We now employ the case-client tracking system and we are aiming for full computerization. With our savings from the government budget we are able to buy less than 300 computers with printers. This is a big innovation in my office, because when I assumed the head of PAO, my lawyers did not have computer facilities. With all the judicial forms and administrative forms, we are trying our best to learn quick methods. Computers can make you efficient so that in a minute or 5 minutes, you are able to give assistance as our lawyers read the files of the clients or the accused.
我們目前啟用了「案件─受扶助人追蹤系統」﹝case-client tracking system﹞,而且我們正為向全面電腦化邁進而努力。藉由我們自政府預算中所編列的經費,我們得以購置附帶印表機之電腦少於三百台。這在我的辦公室是項極大的革新創舉,因為自我就任法務部公設律師辦公室主任律師以來,我的律師們從未有過任何電腦設備。我們正試圖盡可能地學會快速的方法,以處理所有的司法書狀及行政表格。電腦能使你更有效率,我們的律師們可以藉此在一到五分鐘內讀取受扶助人或被告的檔案,並給予法律協助。
I’m not barred from hiring lawyers who have recently been admitted to the bar. In fact, I prefer young lawyers because their minds are sharp, they are quick, they don’t have hypertension, and they can work during the night, serving as many people as they can.
It’s a matter a sacrifice: I myself did not have hypertension when I entered this office, but now I do. So, it is really a matter of sacrifice and a choice. We are like religious priests or nuns, really serving the poor.
I admire your country, Taiwan. You have all the resources. Despite the fact that this Legal Aid Foundation was founded only last year, you have the resources, wisdom and all the means to invite us here to share with you. I am praying that in my country, there will be some abrupt changes, and I am still very hopeful. Thank you for the inspiration that you are giving me this time.
[2]Abdul Rahman Abdullah,﹝財﹞法扶基金會核准之國際論壇論文集馬來西亞國家報告中採用之。
[3]Abdul Rahman Abdullah,﹝財﹞法扶基金會核准之國際論壇論文集馬來西亞國家報告中採用之。
[5]Lawyers’ League for Liberty。參考陳新民老師於〈菲律賓司法審查制度〉以及Ascool網友於《南方論壇》中將Lawyers’ League for Better Philippines譯為美好菲律賓律師協會而來。
[8]經查國際會議論文集馬來西亞國家報告一文,將bar council譯為「律師公會議會」,請恕譯者在此敬表不同意見。余意以為應以「大律師公會」為正解。維基百科中該詞解為:A bar council in a Commonwealth country and in the Republic of Ireland is a professional body that regulates the profession of barristers together with the Inns of Court.﹝ ﹞意即大英國協普通法體系中大律師﹝訟務律師﹞之專業團體。亦可參照台北市政府出國報告:〈考察英國行政救濟制度報告書〉一文,同譯為「大律師公會」 譯者建議論文集再次出版時,能一並修訂之。
[10]Mehmood Pracha,﹝財﹞法扶基金會法扶會訊第十期無正式中文音譯名,譯者暫譯之。
[13] 目前我國外交部對於Sharia Law的官方譯法為「回教戒律」,參看。惟回教並非正確的譯法,且已屢遭伊斯蘭教長抗議糾正,故更譯為「伊斯蘭教戒律」。
[14]Gilda Guillermo,﹝財﹞法扶基金會無正式中文音譯名,譯者暫譯之。
[16]譯名為﹝財﹞法扶基金會官方新聞稿用語 。惟澳洲昆士蘭尚有南昆士蘭、中昆士蘭等分別,今更求精確將名稱稍作修正。
[17]PBHI,全稱為Perhimpunan Bantuan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia,印度尼西亞法律協助及人權委員會,相當於英文之The Indonesian Legal Aid & Human Right Association。此處採用國立中央大學客家學院客家社會與文化研究所助理教授楊聰榮於〈暴動歷史,族群關係與政治變遷:印尼歷史上的政權轉移與反華暴動〉﹝《南洋學報》,第54卷,2000年,pp. 5-21﹞提及之譯名,詳情請參閱該文:
[20]可參閱 。
2006年6月29日 星期四
張貼者: Kaijung 於 15:54
標籤: 2005法律扶助國際論壇共同譯作
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1 意見:
Thanks for posting conference proceedings here.
Stephen Lin:
Brisbane Australia